Saturday, June 14, 2008

Such a Big Girl

Our little girl is growing up right in fron of our very eyes.

Krysten has come a long way in gaining good head and neck control ... I would say she is about 90% there, so I've been talking about wanting to get her a Bumbo Seat. I heard about if from my friends who have 8 month old twins. It is a seat that is specially designed to allow a baby to sit up straight before they are able to do independently. So, Grandma happened to be at Babies R Us this week and bought Krysten her very own pink Bumbo Seat. Of course we had to try it out right away.

We've been pretty busy the last few days and haven't had a lot of time to try it out, but she seems to really like it, as she prefers to be sitting up where she can take in all the action.

With her teeth trying to work their way in as mentioned in a previous post, Krysten has TONS of drool these days, which has caused her babbling to turn more into gurgling. Here is a video of one of her latest gurgle sessions, regardless of the fist in her mouth, which she constantly tries to shove in there.

Krysten's first sign of independence is already upon us, as we noticed this week that she is making frequent attempts to hold her own bottle. She is not at the point of pushing our hands away, but I'm sure it's coming.

Monday, June 9, 2008

A tooth, some talking, Memorial Day, a Bike Race ... And summer has only just begun!

The big news on the homefront is that Krysten appears to be working on her first tooth (she's already growing up so fast!). I know it's hard to beleive, but there is a signifiacnt lump in gum right where the upper left eye tooth would be, plus she is having periods of extreme fussiness that is only cured by Orajel.

Krysten's babbling has become a daily occurence, usually quite a few times a day. Here is a short video of her talking with Daddy.

Krysten has had a few adventures over the last few weeks, starting with her first ever Memorial Day picnic at Nana & Papa's house where she finally got to meet our friend Scott.

The next weekend was also filled with fun when we spent the afternoon with Jen's friend from work at the annual Winfield Criterion (i.e. a bike race). Although we didn't really know anything about bike racing, it was fun day. Here Krysten spends some time with Jen's friend Beth, gets some air time in with Daddy, and enjoys her dinner with Beth's kids, Marli & Eric.

Cousin Melissa began her summer job as Krysten's Nanny this week and had some fun getting Krysten to sit up in her boppy.

Later that night, Mommy thought it would be a good idea to use the boppy for tummy (which Krysten usually hates), but she seemed to enjoy this time around.