Saturday, April 25, 2009


It is finally springtime in Chicago! We are very excited about the mild weather, although we were a bit skeptical that it would ever come, as this is how we began April:

Krysten has been busy, growing like a weed and perfecting her walking/running skills. In fact, she has decided that she should be allowed to walk up and down the stairs instead of crawling up and sliding down on her tummy like any good toddler would. So, we have a little disagreement each time she goes up or down the stairs as we force her to do it the safer way. I fear this is only the beginning of her stubborn/independent streak.

Krysten also still has her obsession with remote controls and actually has learned that they control the TV. She will point the control at the TV and push buttons and wait to see what happens. She has also figured out which buttons to push on the DVD player to turn her Baby Mozart and Beethoven videos on (which she loves by the way).

Earlier this month, Krysten got into a habit for about a week straight of pooping during dinner. After a few nights, we found it so amusing that we just had to share a picture of her priceless poopy face (we also have video too, but I will spare you).

Easter Sunday came upon us and we had a wonderful day. We spent the day at Nana and Papa's house where Krysten received many gifts from the Easter bunny and all the people who love her.

Krysten also was able to spend some time with her new cousin Jeffrey. Both Brad and Dave never thought we would get the kids to sit long enough to get these pictures, but they were quite content cuddled up together.

"Don't worry Jeffrey, our crazy family will stop taking pictures soon ... "

We had quite the busy day, and Krysten finally cuddled up with Papa after dinner to take in some Baby Mozart.

The Easter Bunny also visited Krysten at home and brought her some gifts from Grandmom in New Jersey as well as and Easter basket full of books and treats and also some alphabet blocks.

Our little girl may go in to demolition when she grows up as she loves to knock down the towers that we build with her blocks.

And, of course, we also had a visit to the Easter Bunny at the mall ...

... which looks quite different from last year's visit ...

... Jeffrey got in on the action this year too.