Thursday, August 21, 2008

6-Months Old Today!

Our little baby is alreay 6-months old ... my how time flies! The changes Krysten has gone through over the last few months has been amazing. Just look at the difference 6 months makes:

February 21, 2008

August 21, 2008

Krysten has developed quite a little personality and is really starting to be fun now. She has finally fallen into a routine, which I longed for during her first 3 months. She sleeps through night, going down around 8:00 and sleeping for 10 to 12 hours (thank God!). She usually takes at least 2 naps a day, but napping is not as consistent as nighttime. She is taking cereal at breakfast (oatmeal), lunch (rice) & dinner (barley), and we are looking forward to introducing her to baby food after her 6-month check-up next week. She loves to be in a sitting position, but has not mastered sitting unassisted yet, but we practice every day. She can roll from her tummy to her back, and from her back to her tummy, but chooses not to do either very often. She is very interested in the happenings around her. Just recently we've noticed that she has taken an active interest in our cats for the first time. She tracks them with her eyes when they walk into the room and sometimes will giggle when she sees them. She puts everything in her mouth and is a constant drool factory, to the point where she has to wear a bib all day long to keep her shirt dry.

Krysten began her half birthday with some play time in her exersaucer while Mommy got ready for work.

Then she chugged down her breakfast bottle before we had to take Daddy to the train station. She has become very adept at holding her own bottle.

Later she sat up like a big girl in her boppy and played with some of her favorite toys.

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