Sunday, September 28, 2008

Krysten's New Tricks

Krysten has been developing at a rapid pace over the last few months, so I though I would post a summary of all the new things she can do.

Earlier in the summer Krysten discovered her feet. Now, almost every time she is lying on her back she immediately grabs her feet (and yes, she can get those little toes in her mouth). I think it is just about one of the most cute things to watch.

Krysten rolled over for the first time in early July. Since then she has become a champ at it. Melissa was finally able to capture this feat on video (it takes a few seconds, but she does actually do it) ...

... and here is a picutre of her in mid-roll sometime in late August.

Dave found a game that Krysten really seems to enjoy. It's hard to explain, so you'll have to watch for yourself.

One of Krysten's favorite activities is playing in her jumparoo. She loves to just jump, jump, jump any time she is in it. She loves it so much that Grandma & Grandpa got one for their house too.

Towards the end of August, we decided it was finally time for Krysten to begin eating in her high chair. So, Dave went to work putting it together and Krysten enjoyed her first of many meals on her new throne.

Dave thought it would be a good idea to let her try to feed herself ... it's a bit soon for that though.

Once Krysten was accustomed to her high chair, we started her on veggies for dinner. Her first one was peas (figured we would start with the ickier ones) ... here is her initial reaction.

Last weekend was the annual Fall Festival at my nursing home. Krysten came of course, and took her try at the duck pond and the lollipop tree.

Today we took Krysten on her first trip to the neighborhood park. She seemed to really enjoy her time on the baby swing ...

... but did quite know what to make of the slide.

Dave discovered that Krysten's balance is good enough that he can put her on his shoulders. She even grabs on to his hair with both hands for support.

Krysten is doing really well with sitting up on her own. Unfortunatley I don't seem to have a picture of her doing that yet ... we'll save it for next time!

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