Saturday, February 7, 2009

Sledding, Swimming and Walking!

A few weekends ago we decided to break-in Krysten's new sled that she got for Christmas. We have had plenty of snow here this winter, so we thought we may as well try to make it fun. Here's our girl all bundled up with Daddy and ready to go.

"Um, I'm not sure what you people are thinking, but why are we outside with all this cold white stuff?"

Sledding turned out to be trickier than we anticipated, as with her snowsuit on Krysten was not able to sit up very well by herself in the sled. I wound up running behind and holding her up while Dave pulled the sled.

After that got tiresome (trust me, it didn't take long) we tried her on her tummy. That didn't last too long either.

On a completey different note, Krysten started Parent & Kid swim classes at the YMCA last month. Here are some shots from this morning's class.

Daddy and Krysten hanging out in the pool (that's the teacher, Miss Jenny, on the left).

Krysten didn't like the back float so much ...

... but was OK when she had a toy to play with. Miss Jenny encourage the parents to throw the toy and have the kids practice reaching and swimming towards it.

Noodle time didn't go so well today ...

... so Miss Jenny gave us 2 dolphins to play with

By the end of the class she was all smiles :-)

Krysten is also getting in touch with her domestic side. She LOVES to help load the dishwasher ... let's hope it sticks.

But, the biggest news of all ... Krysten has taken her first steps! Over the last week or so, Krysten has gotten very brave and has taken up to 5 or 6 steps at time on her own. Here is a picture of her getting ready to go and a video of the real thing.

We're thinking she meet expectations and be walking fairly well by her first birthday, which is only 2 weeks away!

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