Sunday, October 11, 2009

Baby Boy Ulmer

I had my 20-week ultrasound last week and Dave and I decided that we wanted to know the gender of the new baby and ... It's a Boy! Here's a sneak peak at our little man.

The proof is in the pudding in this picture (some day I'm sure he will not be happy with me for putting a picture of his winkie on the Internet).

This one is a nice profile of the little guy.

Here's a foot.

And a close-up of his face.

Everything checked out really well overall and all indications are that we are still on target for mid-February. I am feeling pretty good, despite a seasonal cold right now, and the boy has been very active recently.
In other news, Krysten and I went to the Morton Arboretum last weekend with our friends Karyn, Taylor and Sami.

Krysten found a bridge that she loved running across. I think we were there for at least 15 minutes with her just going back-and-forth across this bridge. She did really well holding on to the chains for support and even enjoyed it when bigger kids came by and and bounced on the bridge.

Karyn was the photographer for the day and tried really hard to get decent pictures of the girls, unfortunately she wound up with Krysten's "cheese" face most of the time.

The Arboretum was actually a lot of fun and had a lot of interesting things for the kids to explore, like this set of jingle bells coming out of a giant flower.

And there was plenty of climbing and running in the wooden fort.

Sami and Krysten had fun exploring this dog house at the entrance to the Children's area (other people kept calling it a bird house, but I think it looks like a dog house).

The arboretum was decorated very festively for fall. We (well, actually Karen) were able to get a good picture of the 3 girls together by this particular display of pumpkins, mums and hay.

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